El lenguaje / The language
El lenguaje
The language - Hablemos sobre lo que se entiende por lenguaje
- Let's talk about what is meant by language
El lenguaje es la capacidad de comunicación oral humana y al estar formado por una serie de signos, también a su vez es parte de la semiótica o estudio de los signos (ConceptoDefinición, s.f.). La definición de lenguaje, llega al consenso de que es una característica intrínseca del ser humano al cumplir una serie de características, como por ejemplo, la doble articulación, la semanticidad y la reflexividad. Existe polémica por ciertos animales entrenados (Lents, 2015), que no cumplen con todas las condiciones, pero sí con gran parte de las cualidades antes mencionadas (ASHA, s.f.).
La doble articulación del lenguaje consta de un nivel superior, en el que se encuentran los monemas o unidades mínimas con significado, y de un nivel inferior, en el que se encuentran los fonemas o diferentes sonidos en los que se pueda dividir una expresión.
Primera articulación:
Monema 1 = Taza (jarro pequeño); Monema 2 = s (plural), ambos pueden formar la palabra tazas
Segunda articulación:
En el español de latinoamérica, existe el seseo, entonces palabras como 'Casa' (vivienda) y 'Caza' (cacería) se pronuncian de la misma forma y la representación de su sonido en escritura fonológica en sistema AFI sería /'ka.sa/.
La semanticidad y la retroalimentación, tienen que ver con la abstracción de ideas a sonidos y que estos sean entendidos por una comunidad o personas que hablan la misma lengua, por ejemplo, la expresión 'la luna', ya sea al escucharla o al estar escrita, cualquier hispanohablante entendería que se refiere al satélite del planeta tierra, pero las personas que no hablan esta lengua, solo escucharían sonidos o verían letras sin sentido. En semántica también entra lo que sería el significante, como por ejemplo el objeto cuchara, y el significado, que sería la representación mental del objeto.
Otro punto interesante es la arbitrariedad del lenguaje, esto quiere decir que las palabras fonológicas no tienen relación con el objeto o acción, aunque bajo cierto punto de vista, existe la excepción de las onomatopeyas, que tratan de imitar, por ejemplo los sonidos de los animales, aunque estas cambian según la lengua.
The language is the ability of human oral communication and to be formed by a series of signs, also in turn is part of semiotics or study of the signs (ConceptoDefinición, s.f.). The definition of language reaches the consensus that it is an intrinsic characteristic of the human being when fulfilling a series of characteristics, such as, for example, double articulation, semanticity and reflexivity. Controversy exists for certain trained animals (Lents, 2015), who do not meet all the conditions, but with many of the qualities mentioned above (ASHA, n.d.).
The double articulation of language consists of a higher level, in which the minimum monemas or units with meaning are found, and of a lower level, in which are the phonemes or different sounds into which an expression can be divided.
First articulation:
Monema 1 = Cup (small jug); Monema 2 = s (plural), both can form the word cups
Second articulation:
In Latin American Spanish, there is seseo, then words like 'Casa' (housing) and 'Caza' (hunting) are pronounced in the same way, so the representation of their sound in phonological writing in the IPA system would be /'ka.sa/.
Semanticity and feedback, have to do with the abstraction of ideas to sounds and that these are understood by a community or people who speak the same language, for example, the expression 'la luna' (the moon), either when listening to it or being written, any spanish speaker would understand that it refers to the satellite of planet earth, but people who do not speak this language would only hear sounds or see meaningless letters. In semantics also enters what would be the signifier, such as the spoon object, and the meaning, which would be the mental representation of the object.
Another interesting point is the arbitrariness of language, this means that phonological words have no relation to the object or action, although under a certain point of view, there is the exception of onomatopoeias, which try to imitate, for example the sounds of animals, although these change according to the language.
ASHA. (s.f.). ¿Qué es el Lenguaje? ¿Qué es el Habla?. Recuperado de https://www.asha.org/public/speech/development/Que-es-el-Lenguaje/
ConceptoDefinición. (s.f.). Definición de Semiótica. Recuperado de https://conceptodefinicion.de/semiotica/
Lents, N.H. (2015). "Koko, Washoe, and Kanzi: Three Apes with Human Vocabulary". En The Human Evolution Blog. Reecuperado de https://thehumanevolutionblog.com/2015/07/28/koko-washoe-and-kanzi-three-apes-with-human-vocabulary/
Cómo citar este artículo:
The double articulation of language consists of a higher level, in which the minimum monemas or units with meaning are found, and of a lower level, in which are the phonemes or different sounds into which an expression can be divided.
First articulation:
Monema 1 = Cup (small jug); Monema 2 = s (plural), both can form the word cups
Second articulation:
In Latin American Spanish, there is seseo, then words like 'Casa' (housing) and 'Caza' (hunting) are pronounced in the same way, so the representation of their sound in phonological writing in the IPA system would be /'ka.sa/.
Semanticity and feedback, have to do with the abstraction of ideas to sounds and that these are understood by a community or people who speak the same language, for example, the expression 'la luna' (the moon), either when listening to it or being written, any spanish speaker would understand that it refers to the satellite of planet earth, but people who do not speak this language would only hear sounds or see meaningless letters. In semantics also enters what would be the signifier, such as the spoon object, and the meaning, which would be the mental representation of the object.
Another interesting point is the arbitrariness of language, this means that phonological words have no relation to the object or action, although under a certain point of view, there is the exception of onomatopoeias, which try to imitate, for example the sounds of animals, although these change according to the language.
Traced by User:Stannered, original by David Vignoni
Referencias / References:
ASHA. (s.f.). ¿Qué es el Lenguaje? ¿Qué es el Habla?. Recuperado de https://www.asha.org/public/speech/development/Que-es-el-Lenguaje/
ConceptoDefinición. (s.f.). Definición de Semiótica. Recuperado de https://conceptodefinicion.de/semiotica/
Lents, N.H. (2015). "Koko, Washoe, and Kanzi: Three Apes with Human Vocabulary". En The Human Evolution Blog. Reecuperado de https://thehumanevolutionblog.com/2015/07/28/koko-washoe-and-kanzi-three-apes-with-human-vocabulary/
Cómo citar este artículo:
Nocetti, F.A. (2019). "El lenguaje". En NabbuBlog. Recuperado de http://nabbublog.blogspot.com/2019/02/el-lenguaje-language.html
How to cite this article:
Nocetti, F.A. (2019). "The language". In NabbuBlog. Retrieved from http://nabbublog.blogspot.com/2019/02/el-lenguaje-language.html